The light you've been waiting for . . .
Second Coming Answers
End-time 101: A Wesleyan View of Prophecy in Progress tells the amazing story of how biblical end-time prophecies are now being fulfilled for the return of Christ in the Last Judgment.
Welcome to Wesleyan End-time Bible Prophecy, the unique biblical alternative to widespread Scofield Darby Dispensational Premillennial speculation. We begin with John Wesley's orthodox belief that Christ, not Antichrist, is the divinely-intended covenant-maker of Daniel's 70th week. Everything else in our new ground-breaking interpretative system flows logically from there.
Our Services
Wesleyan Bible Prophecy does more than re-educate the willing in biblical end-time prophecy. We teach how to accurately interpret the Bible in a manner consistent with a New Testament understanding of the Gospel. That means we are both integrated and comprehensive, the perfect salvation history worldview replacement to the mindset fallacies of modern Dispensationalism.